Počas výstavy Lucie Oleňovej môžete počuť set od WALTER SCHNITZELSSON, ktorý je nahraný len pre ATELIER XIII
Walter Schnitzelsson hrá rokenrolovú hudbu. Všetko okolo gitár, shredov, palm-mute, crunchu a hrania poriadne nahlas 11/10. Niekedy uvažujú o ľudoch a spoločnosti, niekedy uvažujú jednoducho o sebe. Nič vážne. Len hovoria to, čo zo seba naozaj potrebujú dostať. Buďte na seba milí.
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During the exhibition of Lucia Oleňová, you can hear a music set by WALTER SCHNITZELSSON recorded only for ATELIER XIII
Walter Schnitzelsson plays rocknroll music. Everything around guitars, shred, palm-mute, crunch and playing it all loud 11/10. Sometimes they wonder about people and society, and sometimes they just wonder about themselves. Nothing serious. Just saying what they really need to take out of themselves. Be kind and nice to each other.