18 March 2022 – The opening of Alex Zelinas’s and Radovan Dranga’s exhibition

V piatok 18. 3. 2022 od 19:00 do 22:00 vás radi privítame na otvorení výstavy diel Alexa Zelinu a Radovana Drangu s názvom DØØM.

We would love to invite you to the opening of the exhibition DØØM by Alex Zelina and Radovan Dranga on Friday 18. 3. 2022 from 19:00 until 22:00.





Od 18. marca do 22. apríla 2022 v ATELIERi XIII
From 18 March until 22 April 2022 in ATELIER XIII



Alex Zelina & Radovan Dranga

Alex a Radovan tvoria objekty plné káblov, svetiel, prírodných materiálov a to všetko podporené hudbou a zvukom. Vykresľujú naše nočné mory, kde sa svet zmenil na predstavy dystopickej budúcnosti. Vytvorili si vlastný koncept. Držia sa základnej myšlienky: technológia sa nám stáva prirodzenejšou ako samotná príroda. Svet, kde sa príroda musí prispôsobiť technológiám, aby prežila. Myšlienka je ukázať, kde sa my, ako ľudstvo, môžeme ocitnúť. V dobe, keď nám technológie začínajú byť viac prirodzené, ako živé formy. Objekty sú inšpirované prírodou, sci-fi svetmi, počítačovými hrami, vizualizáciami generovanými neurónovými sieťami (AI) a štatistikmi o klimatickej kríze. Stavajú fiktívne svety a živé tvory, ktorých základným stavebným materiálom je ľudský odpad. Plasty, káble, technológie… Tieto stvorenia sa riadia inštinktom a prispôsobujú sa, aby prežili. Hráme sa na bohov, ale príroda zvíťazí.

Alex and Radovan create objects full of cables, lights, natural materials, all supported by music and sound. They picture our nightmares, where the world has changed to visions of a dystopian future. They created their own concept. They stick to the basic idea: technology is becoming more natural to us than nature itself. A world where nature has to adapt to technology to survive. The idea is to show where we, as humanity, can end up. In a time when technology starts to be more natural for us than living forms. Objects are inspired by nature, sci-fi worlds, computer games, visualizations generated by neural networks (AI) and climate crisis statistics. They build fictional worlds and living creatures, whose basic building material is human waste. Plastics, cables, technology… These creatures follow instinct and adapt to survive. We play gods, but nature wins.



2008 – 2012 Painting at IV. studio of prof. Ivan Csudai, Academy of Fine Arts and Design (AFAD), Bratislava, Slovakia | 2003 – 2007 Scenic decorative painting production and reproductive painting at The secondary school of scenic arts, Bratislava, Slovakia


2017 – 2019 Master of Photography and new media, Academy of Fine Arts and Design (AFAD), Bratislava, Slovakia | 2016 The Royal Academy of Fine Arts (KASK), Gent, Belgium | 2013 – 2017 Bachelor of Photography and new media, Academy of Fine Arts and Design (AFAD), Bratislava, Slovakia | 2012 – 2013 Private school of art and design | 2009 Centennial HS, Colorado, USA | 2007 – 2011 Pedagogic and social studies academy



2019 Borealis Festival of Light Seattle, USA, finalist TOP 6 | 2019 JÓB / Debris Company, Dosky 2019, nomination in the category Exceptional act in the field of dance theater | 2019 Tatra Banka Foundation Art Awards; nomination for directing and concept of the Jób performance, the final part | 2019 TRILOGY (WOW!, ÚNOS EURÓPY, JÓB), Debris Company Bratislava | 2018 Festival of Light Berlin, finalist TOP 10 | 2017 Videomapping competition in France, finalist TOP 6 | 2017 WOW! / Debris Company, Nová Dráma festival, Grand Prix for direction | 2016 Festival of Light Berlin, finalist TOP 10 in the Art and Nature theme | 2016 Cannes Lions, 3. place for the project Hudba vs Burza | 2016 Videomapping competition in Japan, special prize of the jury for the project Cordyceps (killing fungi) | 2015 Zlatý Klinec, 3x silver prize for the project Hudba vs Burza | 2014 The Tempest – Prospero, Caliban and The Lovers / Ballet SND | 2014 Tatra Banka Art Awards; nomination for directing in the theater category | 2014 Dosky 2014, nomination for the best music | 2013 Epic / Debris Company, Dosky 2013, nomination for the best music | 2013  Tatra Banka Art Awards, nomination for concept and directing in the theater category


2018 Biennale of Theater photography, Student category | 2018 Slovak Press Photo – The world of art and culture, nomination




Počas výstavy Alexa Zelinu a Radovana Drangu môžete počuť hudobný set, ktorý je vytvorený zo skladieb hudobného zoskupenia EMPHASE.

Emphase je audiovizuálny projekt tvorený spojením dvoch umelcov, Patrika Bittera a Gábora Szűcsa. Zoskupenie Emphase kladie svojím prejavom dôraz na rovnováhu medzi nádhernými melódiami a temnými rytmami scény melodického techna. Kombináciou skladieb z vydavateľstiev ako Afterlife, DNC Limited, Hypnus, Oddity, ale aj z vlastnej tvorby, a skladieb od menej známych producentov, chce prinášať na parket stále nové a nové hudobné kombinácie a objavy z tejto underground scény.

During Alex Zelina‘s and Radovan Dranga‘s exhibition, you can hear a music set created out of songs of a music group EMPHASE.

Emphase is an audiovisual project created by a combination of two artists, Patrik Bitter and Gábor Szűcs. By its expression, Emphase accentuates the balance between beautiful melodies and dark rhythms of the melodic techno scene. With a combination of songs from publishers such as Afterlife, DNC Limited, Hypnus, Oddity, but also from Emphase’s own work and songs from lesser-known producers, it wants to constantly bring new and new musical combinations and discoveries from this underground scene.

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Z verejných zdrojov podporil Fond na podporu umenia
Supported using public funding by Slovak Arts Council

Z verejných zdrojov podporila Nadácia mesta Bratislavy
Supported using public funding by Bratislava City Foundation

Z verejných zdrojov podporil Bratislavský samosprávny kraj
Supported using public funding by Bratislava self-governing region

Ďakujeme za pitný režim značke Heineken
Thank you Heineken for taking care of our drinks

Ďakujeme za krásne slová Rádiu_FM!
Thanks RADIO_FM for nice words!