V piatok 2. 9. 2022 od 19:00 do 21:00 vás radi privítame na otvorení výstavy diel Samuela Velebného s názvom Flashing Meadows, so živým vystúpením DJ-ky Teddyfromthebox.
We would love to invite you to the opening of the exhibition Flashing Meadows by Samuel Velebny with a live performance DJ Teddyfromthebox on Friday 2. 9. 2022 from 19:00 until 21:00.
Flashing Meadows
Od 2. septembra do 30. septembra 2022 v ATELIERi XIII
From 2 September until 30 September 2022 in ATELIER XIII
Samuel Velebný
Samuel Velebný je výtvarný umelec, kurátor a teoretik. Zdroje jeho práce tvorí širšia škála (sub)kultúr a umeleckých foriem, od insitného umenia futbalových štadiónov, cez muraly, grafiky a digitálne animácie, po videoeseje, texty a kurátorské projekty. Formálne Samuel pracuje na báze nájdeného objektu, ktorý redizajnuje a rekontextualizuje za použitia ďalších materiálov, pôvodom alebo poetikou vychádzajúcich zo zvolenej témy. Ako kurátor, dramaturg a grafik spolupracuje s košickými galériami VUNU a Galériou Tabačka. V roku 2022 uviedol svoju prvú sólo výstavu vo VUNU, taktiež absolvoval literárnu rezidenciu Vyšehradského fondu v Krakowe a pripravuje sa na umeleckú rezidenciu SKUSY Air v Aténach. Od roku 2021 je denným doktorandom na Fakulte umení TUKE.
Samuel Velebný is a visual artist, curator and theorist. The sources of his work are a wide range of (sub)cultures and art forms, from the non-professional art of football stadiums, to murals, graphics and digital animations, to video essays, texts and curatorial projects. Formally, Samuel works on a basis of a found object, which he redesigns and recontextualizes using other materials that originate from a chosen topic, either poetically or because of their genesis. As a curator, dramaturge and a graphic designer, he cooperates with the VUNU Gallery and Tabačka Gallery in Košice. In 2022, he presented his first solo exhibition at VUNU, he also took part at a literary residency of the Visegrad Fund in Krakow and he is now preparing for his SKUSY Air art residency in Athens. From 2021, he’s been a full-time PhD. student at the Faculty of Arts at TUKE.
Since 2022 PhD. studies at Faculty of Arts, Technical University Košice, Studio of New Media | 2018 – 2020 Mgr.art Faculty of Arts, Technical University Košice, Studio of New Media | 2015 – 2018 Ba Glasgow School of Art (University of Glasgow), Digital Culture/Interaction Design | 2017 Erasmus Kunstuniversität Linz Zeitbasierte und Interaktive Medien | 2009 – 2014 Bc. Faculty of Arts, Technical University Košice, Architecture and Urbanism
2022 art residence and scholarship of the Visegrad Fund at Villa Decius Association, Krakow | 2022 first scholarship holder of a residential programme SKUS a.i.r., Athens | 2021 a rectorial prize at Technical University in Košice for the best presentation of a PhD. thesis
Počas výstavy Samuela Velebného môžete počuť hudobný set, ktorý je vytvorený zo skladieb DJ-ky TEDDYFROMTHEBOX.
Na začiatku bola tma, ktorú prerušovalo červené svetlo a odrážajúce sa lúče v zákutiach bytov a ateliérov. Potom prišiel veľký tresk – zrodila sa TEDDYFROMTHEBOX aby triasla zadkami Pártyslavy. Po niekoľkých rokoch s DJ-ingom v nalinajkovanom svete eventov je späť v klubových vodách! Odhodlaná skočiť do rozbúrených vôd s tým najfarebnejším zvukom. Ako znejú DJ sety v jej podaní? Od “hot, raw & sexy” až po “najlepšia žiačka školy roku 2002”! Bude to surové, vtipné, trochu ukričané a poriadne sexy. Brace yourself, a sweaty night is coming!
During Samuel Velebny‘s exhibition, you can hear a music set created out of songs of a DJ TEDDYFROMTHEBOX.
In the beginning, there was darkness, interrupted by a red light and rays reflecting in the corners of apartments and studios. Then came the big bang – TEDDYFROMTHEBOX were born to shake Pártyslava’s asses. After a few years of DJing in a prescribed world of events, she is back in the club waters! Determined to jump into turbulent waters with the most colorful sound. How do her DJ sets sound? From “hot, raw & sexy” to “the best student of the school in 2002”! It will be raw, funny, a little screamy and really sexy. Brace yourself, a sweaty night is coming!
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