Sick in Bed | hand woven wool, acrylic, wood - ručne tkaná vlna, akryl, drevo | 28,2 x 21,7 | 2019
Bed Drinking | hand woven wool, acrylic, wood - ručne tkaná vlna, akryl, drevo | 30,5 x 23,5 | 2019
Soft Bed Lines | hand woven wool, ink, T-shirt, acrylic, wood - ručne tkaná vlna, tuš, tričko, akryl, drevo | 31 x 23,5 | 2019
Exhousted | acrylic on wooden panel - akryl na drevenom panely | 31,5 x 22,8 | 2019
Monument to Americans | acrylic on wood - akryl na dreve | 49 x 23 | 2019
Kris's previous works | Growing | acrylic resin caulk cardboard pigment found broken doorhandle on found fabric | 190,5 x 112 | 2018
Kris's previous works | Wasn't Worth It | acrylic resin caulk and pigment on wood board | 15 x 10 | 2018
Kris's previous works | I'm Dead | acrylic resin caulk and pigment on wood board | 15 x 10 | 2018
Kris's previous works | Cypress Bodies | acrylic resin caulk pigment and candles on wood board | 24 x 15 | 2018
Kris's previous works | Dreaming of Ophelia | acrylic resin, beeswax and pigment on found fabric | 61 x 61 | 2019
Kris's previous works | First Supper | acrylic resin, caulk and pigment on found Victoria Secret fabric | 152,5 x 152,5 | 2019
Kris's previous works | Couch Party | acrylic resin, beeswax and pigment on found fabric | 30,5 x 30,5 | 2018
Kris's previous works | Opening Pockets | acrylic resin, beeswax and pigment on found fabric | 30,5 x 30,5 | 2018
Kris's previous works | Pro | acrylic resin and pigment on found fabric | 30,5 x 30,5 | 2018
Kris's previous works | Summer Heat | acrylic resin and pigment on found fabric | 30,5 x 30,5 | 2018
Kris's previous works | Reclining Dude no1 Winter Recovery | acrylic resin pigment on found fabric | 25,5 x 46 | 2018