Martina Rötlingová sa vo svojej tvorbe dlhodobo zaoberá aktuálnymi spoločenskými témami, analyzuje obrazy „dokonalého“ sveta popkultúry, ideály krásy, či vplyv sociálnych sietí na naše životy. Pracuje primárne v tradičnom médiu maľby, pričom v ňom však kriticky zhodnocuje fenomény súčasného postmediálneho sveta a konzumnej spoločnosti. Kombinuje realistické zobrazenie v podobe techniky hyperrealizmu a trompe l’oeil s jej dekonštrukciou v podobe rozostrenia, pokrčenia či deformácie. Kontinuálne tvorí v cykloch, ktoré rokmi rozvíja a posúva prostredníctvom nových maliarskych prístupov.
Martina Rötlingová has been continuously dealing with current social topics, analyzing images of the “perfect” world of pop culture, ideals of beauty, and the impact of social networks on our lives. She works primarily in the traditional medium of painting, in which she critically evaluates the phenomena of the contemporary post-media world and consumer society. She combines a realistic approach with the hyperrealism technique and trompe l’oeil with deconstruction in a form of blurring, creasing or deformation. She continuously works in cycles, that she has been developing over the years, and shifts them through new approaches in her work.
2011 – 2013 Academy of Arts in Banská Bystrica, Faculty of Fine Arts, Studio of Contemporary Painting: prof. Stanislav Balko | 2007 – 2011 Academy of Arts in Banská Bystrica, Faculty of Fine Arts, studio: prof. František Hodonský | 2009 – 2010 Accademia di Belle Arti, Lecce, Italy
2016 Finalist of the contest VI. Biennial of Free Fine Arts / Turiec Gallery Martin | 2013 Finalist of the contest Painting 2013, VÚB Foundation / Nedbalka Gallery, Bratislava