NINA trailer from Ové Pictures on Vimeo.
NINA trailer from Ové Pictures on Vimeo.
Foto – Patrícia Kvasňovská
Ové Pictures je meno pod ktorým od roku 2010 spoločne tvoria Michaela Čopíková a Veronika Obertová. Pre autorky je dôležité zobrazovať ich autorské príbehy, vytvárajú charaktery, postavy a často aj trochu čudné bytosti, z farebného bizarného sveta, ktoré príbehovou skratkou vytvárajú rôzne emočne nabité situácie. Tvoria animované filmy, animácie, hudobné videá, ilustrácie, dizajn. Pracujú na rôznorodých projektoch, pri ktorých ich autorská animácia často presahuje do iných foriem. Využívajú predovšetkým tradičné animačné techniky, stop-motion, kresbu, pracujú často s papierom. Pri príležitosti predsedníctva SR v EÚ vytvorili pre autorskú výstavu Hľadanie krásy interaktívne objekty, inšpirované počiatkami kinematografie – zoetropy, flip-booky, diorámy.
Ové Pictures is a duo of authors Michaela Čopíková and Veronika Obertová, founded in 2010 in Bratislava. The authors attribute significance to depicting their original stories by creating characters, personas, and often even slightly odd creatures from a colourful, bizarre world which, using a story condensation, create various emotionally charged situations. They create animations, animated films, music videos, illustrations and design. They work on various projects, in which their author’s animation often extends into other forms. They mainly use the traditional animation techniques, stop-motion, drawing, and paper craft. On the occasion of the Slovak Presidency of the EU, they created interactive objects for an exhibition “Searching for Beauty” inspired by the beginning of cinematography – zoetropes, flip-books, dioramas.
Michaela Čopíková
2009 – 2010 Academy of Art University, Animation and Visual Effects San Francisco, USA – Fulbright scholarship | 2002 – 2007 Academy of Performing Arts, Bratislava, Slovakia, Animation Department
Veronika Obertová
2011 – 2015 ArtD. Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Bratislava, Slovakia, studio of Visual communication | 2007 – 2009 Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Bratislava, Slovakia, studio of Visual communication | 2003 – 2007 Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Bratislava, Slovakia, studio of Graphics and other media
2019 Tatra banka Foundation Art Awards, category Design, a collective award in collaboration with P. Choma and M. Kubina for a kiosk of the Slovak Literary Centre at Paris Livre | 2016 Zlatý klinec ART PRIX, Volkswagen commercial “Ľudove vozidlá” | 2016 Jury Prize / National Design Award, Collection of works | 2015 Audience Award at the CinEast Festival, Luxembourg, NINA | 2015 Best animation at Milano Film Festival, Italy, NINA | 2015 TRICKY WOMEN PREIS DER STADT WIEN / Tricky Woman Animation Festival 2015, NINA | 2015 Anca Slovak Special Mention / Fest Anča International Animation Festival 2015, NINA | 2015 IGRIC, Cena Jána Fajnora, Slovakia, NINA | 2015 Special Mention, Noida International Film Festival 2015 | 2013 1.prize pitching competition, Visegrad Animation Forum | 2013 Třeboň, Best pitch short in development, Czech republic | 2012 Best of Festival Animazspot 2012, Burbank, California ), Dust and Glitter | 2011 Unicredit Bank Prize For The Best Slovak Film (Viewers choice), Dust and Glitter