Author of the photo: Jana Liška and Petra Bošanská
Ivana Šáteková (1984, Bratislava) študovala na Katedre bábkarskej tvorby VŠMU, absolvovala VŠVU na Katedre maľby a iných médií u prof. D. Fischera. V roku 2013 bola finalistkou ceny Essl Art Award, v roku 2014 jej bola udelená Cena Nadácie Tatra banky – Mladý tvorca. Kreslí a maľuje, tvorí objekty a inštalácie, v ostatných rokoch vyšíva ručne i strojovo. Typický je pre ňu nekompromisný humor, irónia a nadhľad, ktorými komentuje aktuálne spoločenské témy. Prepája históriu, folklór a ľudové tradície so súčasným svetom, čím demaskuje typické slovenské fóbie a „-izmy“. Je členkou kresliarskeho tria Dzive, spolupracuje s časopisom pre deti Bublina, venuje sa ilustrácii. Žije a tvorí v Bratislave.
Ivana Šáteková (1984, Bratislava, Slovakia) studied at the Department of Puppetry of the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava and graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava, The Department of Painting and Other Media (prof. D. Fischer). In 2013, she was a finalist of the Essl Art Award CEE, in 2014 she was awarded the Tatra banka Foundation Award in the Young Artist category. She draws and paints, creates objects and installations, in recent years she embroiders both by hand and machine. Uncompromising humor, irony and insight, with which she comments on current problems in society, is typical for her work. She connects history, folklore and folk traditions with the contemporary world, thereby unmasking typical Slovak phobias and “-isms”. She is a member of the drawing trio Dzive, collaborates with the children’s magazine Bublina, illustrates books and magazines. She lives and works in Bratislava.
2004 – 2006 Academy of Music Art in Bratislava on Babcarian Scenery department | 2006 – 2008 Academy of Fine Art and Design in Bratislava, The Department of Painting and Other Media, studio of professor Ivan Csudai | 2008 Internal semester internship at The Department of Visual Communication, studio of Associate Professor Pavol Choma | 2009 – 2010 Academy of Fine Art and Design in Bratislava, The Department of Painting and Other Media, + – XXI studio of professor Daniel Fischer
2013 Price Essl Art Award CEE finalist Slovak round | 2014 Price of the Tatra banka Foundation Award